about us
Discover the story and methodology behind our unique approach.
Videos at scale for daring brands.
Our mission is to plan and produce business-driven videos to increase traction, fuel growth, and make your brand stand out — visual content to impress but also make a real impact.
We envision delivering affordable excellence.
By introducing scalability to production, we seamlessly balance the dynamic pace that content requires today with the skills of top-tier videos. You don’t have to choose between quantity or quality anymore.
Ingenuity guided by business know-how.
Highly skilled teams and state-of-the-art equipment are nothing without a strategic vision. To achieve meaningful results, we combine talent and technology with a unique type of creativity based on business impact. This enables us to craft on-point stories and choose the most suitable formats to deliver them.
A successful methodology proven by Compa55.
Cinematic excellence inspired by our
Swiss heritage.
Finesse. Precision. Craftsmanship. These attributes define our home country and the standards of everything we do. You can find us all over Switzerland: Genève, Lausanne, Montreux, Fribourg, Sion, Neuchâtel, and Bienne.
Nyl regt Dit hektiga
Trifore nonin och markna
Rer sarade påläde. Lanat posat, ifall tid tren utom krod. Sen rearat jag omur pesm lapp. Du kan vara drabbad.